Bounty Square Farm - Misc items for sale

We have a few other items that we offer from time to time, including propolis, crushed or ground egg shell, and blown eggs. You can also see what is available current on our Available NOW page.

These are fairly low availability items and sell out quickly. We will announce when they are available each year.


Propolis, or "bee glue" as it is commonly referred to, is a normally sticky substance that the bees use to seal cracks in their hive, fill small voids, and immobilize pests (such as hive beetles). But for you and me, this substance has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. Its color can vary but is generally a dark (or burnt looking) brown. It normally found as a sticky substance in the hive, but at lower temperatures is hardens and is brittle.

We currently only offer this in the raw form which will include (besides all the good stuff) bee parts, pieces of dirt, and whatever else the bees have tracked into the hive.

Crushed/Ground Egg Shells

We recommend crushed egg shells for your garden (particularly to prevent blossom end rot in tomatoes, peppers, zucchini for example) broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, melons, grapes, legumes, lettuce, peanuts, peppers, potatoes, and tomatoes and ground egg shells for your indoor plants. Ground egg shell decomposes more quickly and would be a better idea for indoor plants, or for a quicker boost in your acidic garden soil.

Blown Eggs


Yes they are a thing! Ever wondered how those beautiful decorated eggs are created? They all start as a regular egg that has had the insides removed. While any egg can be blown and decorated, we sell duck eggs. They are larger than chicken eggs, and well, ducks is what we do! After the eggs are selected for this process they are washed and weighed. Then a small hole is drilled in the large end and the insides are removed. They are then cleaned on the inside, and finally washed inside and out with a vinegar solution. These should last forever if treated well!


From time to time we sell some of our ducks. Live and/or butchered fresh or frozen. These are only for pick-up per Ohio law. We will announce prior to the sale beginning so we can plan to get exactly what you want.

Also, per request, we sell ducklings (local pickup only at this time). We do this starting in the spring in early May, through September. You should contact us regarding your needs so that we can arrange the timing of your ducklings. Note that a 50% deposit is required for us to incubate the eggs.