Bounty Square Farm - Honey and Bees Wax



Each year we hope to offer honey, but it depends a lot on the weather and, of course, the bees! We have been fortunate in past years to be able to offer locally produced honey from our bees. Frame of Honey

As the time approaches, late summer or fall, we will announce what we have and post pictures like what you see on this page so you can see the color of the honey. The color depends on the source of necter, and only the bees know where they are getting it! But the taste is always sweet, with some hints as to where it came from.


We also sell bees wax. We sell it in 1 ounce and 1 pound blocks. It can be raw, or filtered. Either way it is pure bees wax with no additives. Colors will vary.

1 Ounce block of Bees Wax
1 Ounce block of Bees Wax.

1 Pound block of Bees Wax
1 Pound block of Bees Wax

Note that we may use different molds, so what you receive may not look like the above. If you specifically need the look above, just let us know!